Response to "Romans Invented Christianity"
This is a response to this video: If we were to just say (imagine) Christianity is actually truth, and the gospels were written either by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, or by second and not third hand witness, these "experts" completely miss the mark on so much here. First of all, the gospels' "good news of military victory" was the arrival of the kingdom of God through Jesus, who was emphatic that his kingdom was NOT OF THIS WORLD, most certainly not of Rome. Secondly, Rome played literally no part in the content of the gospels whatsoever except in the brutal killing of Jesus. Third, every single prophecy about the coming messiah came to fruition in Jesus according to the gospels. EVERY. LAST. ONE. There were more than 500 of them. It only takes an unevidenced, unsubstantiated misreading of the prophecies to project a physical fighter, which Jesus wasn't. He did, however, dramatically change how people lived, as they managed to return them to the basics: Love God and love your neighbor. Fourth, *of course* Rome would hijack and embellish on the believers' theology; *of course* they would take the supposed truth of the gospel, make it their own, tweak it to fit their previously polytheistic worldviews, and use it to rule their subjects. Every last detail that points as evidence of Romans "inventing" Christianity actually points equally (much more so, actually) instead at Romans hijacking Christianity and taking advantage of it to suit their whims. As a Christian believer myself, I see nothing but shameful, disgusting, horrifying behaviors of egotistical demigod wannabes and a weird, messed up, polytheistic religion when I look at Roman Catholicism. Catholics have priests and popes whom they call "father" and whom they go to even to ask for forgiveness of sins, but the New Testament directly and explicitly declares Roman Catholicism to be a false religion by stating that "there is only one mediator between God and man, and that is the man Jesus Christ". Yet I see NOTHING even closely resembling that strange religion when I read only the gospels and take the New Testament on its own for its own worth. It says zilch about the wonders and ideologies of the Roman Empire. It says everything about loving one another and enjoying the freedom of having a direct relationship with God, no strings attached, other than surrender to Him and to no human being representing Him except only Jesus. While I'm sure the observations are genuine, I consider all conclusive analyses in this entire video to be ridiculous and bogus. Regarding the bits about Josephus, his writings validated the accuracy of the gospels; whereas these bozos declared the observation of Josephus' writings to be proof of a Roman conspiracy to invent Christianity. That's the most preposterous thing I've ever heard. And it's clearly yet another hellbent example of atheism trying to make sense to their senseless notion of reality to try to tweak the world into some conspiracy theory that makes Christianity look like a manmade invention. Well I'll agree with them that Roman Catholicism has a very much fabricated history, and it is one really messed up religion with all kinds of ancient Roman / Babylonian polytheistic elements. But for those of us who believe, the message of the gospels peel off quite easily as the kingdom of God is made clearly distinct from any human kingdoms here on earth.
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